
Tuesday May 24, 2016

The Salt Spring Island Potters Guild is pleased to announce the launch of the Salt Spring Island Ceramics Award (SSICA).

Wednesday May 25, 2016

The Salt Spring Island Potters Guild is pleased to announce the launch of the Salt Spring Island Ceramics Award (SSICA).

Thursday May 26, 2016

The Salt Spring Island Potters Guild is pleased to announce the launch of the Salt Spring Island Ceramics Award (SSICA).

Friday May 27, 2016

The Salt Spring Island Potters Guild is pleased to announce the launch of the Salt Spring Island Ceramics Award (SSICA).

Start: 05/27/2016 8:00 pm

San Francisco clown Amelia Van Brunt's award winning show is coming to ArtSpring for two performances only on Friday May 27 and Saturday May 28.

Saturday May 28, 2016

The Salt Spring Island Potters Guild is pleased to announce the launch of the Salt Spring Island Ceramics Award (SSICA).

Start: 05/27/2016 8:00 pm
End: 05/28/2016 8:00 pm

San Francisco clown Amelia Van Brunt's award winning show is coming to ArtSpring for two performances only on Friday May 27 and Saturday May 28.

Sunday May 29, 2016

The Salt Spring Island Potters Guild is pleased to announce the launch of the Salt Spring Island Ceramics Award (SSICA).

Monday May 30, 2016

The Salt Spring Island Potters Guild is pleased to announce the launch of the Salt Spring Island Ceramics Award (SSICA).

Tuesday May 31, 2016
Start: 01/15/2016 12:00 am
End: 05/31/2016 11:59 pm

The Salt Spring Island Potters Guild is pleased to announce the launch of the Salt Spring Island Ceramics Award (SSICA).

Sunday June 05, 2016
Start: 06/05/2016 7:00 pm
End: 06/05/2016 10:00 pm

Sky Valley will be bringing their brand of Salt Spring Jazz home to Moby's Marine Pub, Sunday Jazz Night, June 5th, 2016.

Saturday June 18, 2016
Start: 06/18/2016 7:30 pm
End: 06/18/2016 10:30 pm

Sky Valley: Live Music at the Legion

Saturday June 18


Kitchen open 6:00-8:00pm
Members free non-members/ guests $5.

Start: 06/18/2016 7:30 pm

The Salt Spring Forum hosts Canadian academic Thomas Homer-Dixon, the author of “The Upside of Down: Catastrophe, Creativity, and the Renewal of Civilization” and “The Ingenuity Gap”.

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