
Thursday April 21, 2016

The Salt Spring Island Potters Guild is pleased to announce the launch of the Salt Spring Island Ceramics Award (SSICA).

Friday April 22, 2016

The Salt Spring Island Potters Guild is pleased to announce the launch of the Salt Spring Island Ceramics Award (SSICA).

Saturday April 23, 2016

The Salt Spring Island Potters Guild is pleased to announce the launch of the Salt Spring Island Ceramics Award (SSICA).

Start: 04/23/2016 9:30 am

Advance tickets for the April 23 Community Energy Conference and Social are new on sale at Salt Spring Books.

Start: 04/23/2016 9:30 am

Advance tickets for the April 23 Community Energy Conference and Social are now on sale at Salt Spring Books.

Start: 04/23/2016 9:30 am

Advance tickets for the April 23 Community Energy Conference and Social are new on sale at Salt Spring Books.

Sunday April 24, 2016

The Salt Spring Island Potters Guild is pleased to announce the launch of the Salt Spring Island Ceramics Award (SSICA).

Monday April 25, 2016

The Salt Spring Island Potters Guild is pleased to announce the launch of the Salt Spring Island Ceramics Award (SSICA).

Start: 04/25/2016 7:30 pm
End: 04/25/2016 9:00 pm

In the Yurt at Salt Spring Centre. 7:30 to 9 p.m. All are welcome. Drop-in.

Discover Your Energetic Boundaries

Tuesday April 26, 2016

The Salt Spring Island Potters Guild is pleased to announce the launch of the Salt Spring Island Ceramics Award (SSICA).

Wednesday April 27, 2016

The Salt Spring Island Potters Guild is pleased to announce the launch of the Salt Spring Island Ceramics Award (SSICA).

Thursday April 28, 2016

The Salt Spring Island Potters Guild is pleased to announce the launch of the Salt Spring Island Ceramics Award (SSICA).

Friday April 29, 2016

The Salt Spring Island Potters Guild is pleased to announce the launch of the Salt Spring Island Ceramics Award (SSICA).

Saturday April 30, 2016

The Salt Spring Island Potters Guild is pleased to announce the launch of the Salt Spring Island Ceramics Award (SSICA).

Sunday May 01, 2016

The Salt Spring Island Potters Guild is pleased to announce the launch of the Salt Spring Island Ceramics Award (SSICA).

Monday May 02, 2016

The Salt Spring Island Potters Guild is pleased to announce the launch of the Salt Spring Island Ceramics Award (SSICA).

Tuesday May 03, 2016

The Salt Spring Island Potters Guild is pleased to announce the launch of the Salt Spring Island Ceramics Award (SSICA).

Wednesday May 04, 2016

The Salt Spring Island Potters Guild is pleased to announce the launch of the Salt Spring Island Ceramics Award (SSICA).

Thursday May 05, 2016

The Salt Spring Island Potters Guild is pleased to announce the launch of the Salt Spring Island Ceramics Award (SSICA).

Start: 05/05/2016 7:30 pm

The Salt Spring Forum is honoured to present the Rt. Hon.

Friday May 06, 2016

The Salt Spring Island Potters Guild is pleased to announce the launch of the Salt Spring Island Ceramics Award (SSICA).

Start: 05/06/2016 10:05 pm

The Crofton Art Group Show and Sale will be held at the Crofton Senior's Centre, 1507 Joan St., Crofton, B.C. (near the ferry terminal), on Friday, May 6th and Saturday, May 7th.

Saturday May 07, 2016

The Salt Spring Island Potters Guild is pleased to announce the launch of the Salt Spring Island Ceramics Award (SSICA).

Start: 05/06/2016 10:05 pm
End: 05/07/2016 10:05 pm

The Crofton Art Group Show and Sale will be held at the Crofton Senior's Centre, 1507 Joan St., Crofton, B.C. (near the ferry terminal), on Friday, May 6th and Saturday, May 7th.

Sunday May 08, 2016

The Salt Spring Island Potters Guild is pleased to announce the launch of the Salt Spring Island Ceramics Award (SSICA).

Monday May 09, 2016

The Salt Spring Island Potters Guild is pleased to announce the launch of the Salt Spring Island Ceramics Award (SSICA).

Tuesday May 10, 2016

The Salt Spring Island Potters Guild is pleased to announce the launch of the Salt Spring Island Ceramics Award (SSICA).

Wednesday May 11, 2016

The Salt Spring Island Potters Guild is pleased to announce the launch of the Salt Spring Island Ceramics Award (SSICA).

Thursday May 12, 2016

The Salt Spring Island Potters Guild is pleased to announce the launch of the Salt Spring Island Ceramics Award (SSICA).

Friday May 13, 2016

The Salt Spring Island Potters Guild is pleased to announce the launch of the Salt Spring Island Ceramics Award (SSICA).

Saturday May 14, 2016

The Salt Spring Island Potters Guild is pleased to announce the launch of the Salt Spring Island Ceramics Award (SSICA).

Sunday May 15, 2016

The Salt Spring Island Potters Guild is pleased to announce the launch of the Salt Spring Island Ceramics Award (SSICA).

Monday May 16, 2016

The Salt Spring Island Potters Guild is pleased to announce the launch of the Salt Spring Island Ceramics Award (SSICA).

Tuesday May 17, 2016

The Salt Spring Island Potters Guild is pleased to announce the launch of the Salt Spring Island Ceramics Award (SSICA).

Wednesday May 18, 2016

The Salt Spring Island Potters Guild is pleased to announce the launch of the Salt Spring Island Ceramics Award (SSICA).

Thursday May 19, 2016

The Salt Spring Island Potters Guild is pleased to announce the launch of the Salt Spring Island Ceramics Award (SSICA).

Friday May 20, 2016

The Salt Spring Island Potters Guild is pleased to announce the launch of the Salt Spring Island Ceramics Award (SSICA).

Start: 05/20/2016 6:00 pm
End: 05/20/2016 9:00 pm

Sky Valley will be bringing their brand of Salt Spring Island Jazz to The Oystercatcher this Victoria Day weekend.
Don't miss it!

Start: 05/20/2016 7:30 pm

With debates about the niqab, refugees, and security against terrorism happening both nationally and internationally, what challenges do Muslim women in Canada face?

Saturday May 21, 2016

The Salt Spring Island Potters Guild is pleased to announce the launch of the Salt Spring Island Ceramics Award (SSICA).

Start: 05/21/2016 6:00 pm
End: 05/21/2016 9:00 pm

Sky Valley will be bringing their brand of Salt Spring Island Jazz to The Oystercatcher Friday, Saturday and Sunday this Victoria day May weekend.

Start: 05/21/2016 8:00 pm
End: 05/21/2016 11:00 pm

Sky Valley will be bringing their brand of Salt Spring Jazz to the Music Hall Food Co. in beautiful downtown Ladysmith, on the East coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada.

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