Ascension, as taught by the Ishayas, is a simple, natural process of turning the mind inward.
Ascension, as taught by the Ishayas, is a simple, natural process of turning the mind inward.
Ascension, as taught by the Ishayas, is a simple, natural process of turning the mind inward.
Thursday October 29, 5-6:30 pm
Dance workshop at ArtSpring with Dancers of Damelahamid.
Learn and experience First Nations Dance in song and story with your community.
Friday October 30, 7:30 pm
Salt Spring Vineyards tasting at 6:30pm.
Pre-show talk with director Margaret Grenier at 6:45pm in Gallery. / Post-show chat with company.
Trick-or-Treating, Haunted Houses, Events and Fireworks over Ganges!
Sky Valley at Crofton Live Jazz
Sunday Nov 8, 2015
Admission $10 at the door.
1534 Joan Avenue, Crofton.
A stone’s throw from the Saltspring Island ferry terminal.
Parade and Ceremony in Ganges
Sat. Nov.14th at Crofton Sr. Centre, 1507 Joan Ave., near ferry terminal. 10-5:00. Unframed paintings, cards, jewelry, pottery, by our talented artists. Refreshments.
Saturday, Nov. 14th, at Crofton Sr. Centre, 1507 Joan Ave. near the ferry terminal. Featured will be unframed paintings, cards, jewelry and pottery, all created by our talented artists.