Wednesday, October 14
Dance performance at ArtSpring, 7:30 pm with wine tasting at 6:30 pm.
12 Minute Max.
New innovative choreography by emerging Vancouver dance artists.
Ascension, as taught by the Ishayas, is a simple, natural process of turning the mind inward.
Ascension, as taught by the Ishayas, is a simple, natural process of turning the mind inward.
Ascension, as taught by the Ishayas, is a simple, natural process of turning the mind inward.
Thursday October 29, 5-6:30 pm
Dance workshop at ArtSpring with Dancers of Damelahamid.
Learn and experience First Nations Dance in song and story with your community.
Friday October 30, 7:30 pm
Salt Spring Vineyards tasting at 6:30pm.
Pre-show talk with director Margaret Grenier at 6:45pm in Gallery. / Post-show chat with company.
Trick-or-Treating, Haunted Houses, Events and Fireworks over Ganges!
Sky Valley at Crofton Live Jazz
Sunday Nov 8, 2015
Admission $10 at the door.
1534 Joan Avenue, Crofton.
A stone’s throw from the Saltspring Island ferry terminal.
Parade and Ceremony in Ganges