Sky Valley: Live Jazz at Crofton Hotel Pub

01/17/2016 2:00 pm
01/17/2016 5:00 pm

By popular demand, Salt Spring Island's Sky Valley returns to the Crofton Hotel Jazz Series.
If you missed them at SSNAP or the Chamber of Commerce Awards at Artspring, Sky Valley Jazz Quartet, featuring Patrick Byrne (saxophone), Frank Huether (piano), Randall Miron (drums) and Alan Wardroper (bass), will be playing at Crofton Hotel Jazz Series on Sunday Jan 17, 2016, 2-5 pm.
$10 on the door
Address: 1534 Joan Ave, Crofton, BC V0R 1R0
Phone:(250) 324-2245


Crofton Hotel Pub
1534 Joan Ave, Crofton, BC V0R 1R0
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