Scottish Country Dance Open House
Salt Spring Scottish Country Dance Club Open House
Do you like to dance? Join us on Monday, September 14th when we will be hosting a free Open House where you can try Scottish Country Dancing.
This is a very popular evening where club members and newcomers dance to lively celtic music. Newcomers are also invited to a complimentary class on Sept 21st, 6 - 8pm.
Scottish Country dancing is great for the body and the mind. Come by yourself or bring a friend. It's a great way to meet new people and stay fit. No partner is needed, dress casually, and wear soft soled shoes.
At: All Saints Church Hall, Park Drive.
We dance from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m so please arrive early.
We hope to see you there!
For more information phone: Catherine Crombie 250 537 9387