Salt Spring Forum Presents Grand Chief Stewart Phillip

11/26/2016 7:30 pm

From speaking out against the Kinder Morgan TransMountain pipeline expansion, to signing a pan-continental treaty alliance against the Alberta oil sands, to declining to attend a royal ceremony with Prince William earlier this fall – Grand Chief Stewart Phillip has been making headlines lately.

The Salt Spring Forum is honoured to host this remarkable First Nations leader for a community discussion on reconciliation.

This past September, Grand Chief Phillip was re-elected as President of the Union of BC Indian Chiefs, a role he has fulfilled since 1998. In 2006, the Okanagan Nation, led by the Elders of the Penticton Indian Band, acknowledged Stewart Phillip’s lifetime commitment to the defence of Indigenous peoples by bestowing on him the rare title of Grand Chief.

From Aboriginal land rights, to justice for Indigenous women and girls, to clean water, to the alleviation of poverty – where does the road to reconciliation lead? Please join us as we discuss these critical issues with Grand Chief Stewart Phillip.

Tickets are available at ArtSpring (250.537.2102 and or at Salt Spring Books. $15 Forum Members; $20 General.


100 Jackson Ave. Salt Spring Island, BC