The Famous Salt Spring Island Fall Fair


Saturday September 12, 2015 - Sunday September 13, 2015 Farmer's Institute - 351 Rainbow Road. Much loved by young and old, locals and tourists alike, the annual Fall Fair is Salt Spring Island’s oldest community event, and the one with the most heart! Celebrations and competitions have changed somewhat through the years, but much is still as it was when agriculture was the backbone of the economy, and the fair originated in 1896. Thousands of entries are expected to delight crowds of all ages this year. Classification of entries fall under livestock, horticulture, homemade wines and foods, hobbies, crafts, and many more. Several competitive classes specifically designed for the island’s younger entrants are often the most entertaining. The Pet Parade and the Zucchini Races are not to be missed! Expect to see trophies and prize-ribbons for interesting collections, Lego models, decorated cakes, photography, and best-dressed pets, to name a few. A variety of on-site food vendors include salmon burgers, local lamb burgers, Tofu on the BBQ, corn-on-the-cob, the famed women’s institute fruit pies (ever tried bumbleberry pie?), fresh-pressed apple juice and other tasty treats. For those who have difficulty walking the grounds, two modified golf carts called the “Fall Fair Express” will take visitors from the bus stops to the venues. A Senior’s Rest Area provides a refreshing cup of tea. A garden tractor pulling contest will be featured, while live entertainment, horse shows, and a midway all serve to round out a fun-filled week-end. A frequent and free shuttle bus runs between Ganges and the fair grounds.