Discover Your Energetic Boundaries

04/25/2016 7:30 pm
04/25/2016 9:00 pm

In the Yurt at Salt Spring Centre. 7:30 to 9 p.m. All are welcome. Drop-in.

Discover Your Energetic Boundaries

Come explore your energy field and develop a 'felt sense' of how your thoughts and energetic boundaries effect your choices in life.
You will learn …
How to sense when you are present
How to sense your energetic boundaries
How to sense and control the amount of energy you allow into your system
How to notice the effect that your thoughts and the thoughts of others have on you
How to notice if what you believe to be true is actually true for you
The session will have some instruction, some practice and some time for questions and answers. It will be fun!
If you have any questions, please email me … daniel at


In The Yurt - Salt Spring Centre Of Yoga
355 Blackburn Road