The 2015 Salt Spring Island Garlic And Music Festival


The 2015 Salt Spring Island Garlic And Music Festival.
Saturday August 8, 2015 - Sunday August 9, 2015
Farmer's Institute - 351 Rainbow Road.

The purpose of the Salt Spring Garlic and Music Festival is to promote two of the most visible of Salt Spring’s assets which are music and the commitment the island has to producing home grown organic food. We are known internationally for these qualities.

People from everywhere come to our island to enjoy the vibrant but still rural environment. Supporting our local farmers and encouraging organic growing practices furthers this commitment in the marketplace. In doing so, the local food movement will use the festival to voice and visualize these practices and people will take them home hopefully spreading the health benefits of organic and non-GMO grown food. Salt Spring Island is a community where the vibrancy of the local music scene is affectionately supported by locals and visitors alike. Numerous award winning recording artists, career musicians,and seasoned players are part of the island music scene with many fondly referring to Salt Spring as home. Bringing people to the Festival to take part in the music workshops offered by people outstanding in their musical ability will again add a special component to the experience. Music is an international language The Salt Spring Garlic and Music Festival brings together an international group of performers to a stage with top notch local talent for a collection of performers that will exceed your expectations. Together they will rock the place and take part in eating some of the best food on the planet.
Music fans and food lovers alike can embrace a very special couple of days come next August.